Cebu is not only home to good food, rich culture and heritage, and warm people but it is also a breeding ground for homegrown music talents. It is one of the country’s pride in producing original Cebuano music. Apart from classical and pop singers, choral singing is also eminent in this vast cultural landscape. Due to the pandemic, music production has been put to a halt, more so, choral singing. Now that everything is getting back on track, the music industry is slowly gaining traction from audiences once again. As the Casa Gorordo Museum celebrates its 40th Anniversary this year, it hopes to help revive the music industry, particularly choral singing and songwriting, through this competition.

   The Casa Gorordo Museum’s “Best of Cebu Songwriting & Choral Competition” aims to provide an avenue for Cebuano composers to showcase their original compositions relevant to the museum’s 40th year theme, which is to share the best of Cebuano culture. Interested participants must already consider that his composition is well fitted to be interpreted by a choral group. All submitted entries will be blind screened by a pre-selected committee of composers, lyricists, arrangers, and performers. There will only be ten (10) entries that will advance to the performance night. The shortlisted entries will be interpreted by a choir group composed of 12-24 members only.

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